
最后更新 :2023-07-06 15:45:54


比年来,“留学”一词己不再是生疏又疏远的词汇,随着经济举世化的不休深化,教导国际化触及的范围也愈加广泛,越来越多的人在修业时将目光抛向外洋。 美国事天下上教导质量最高的国度之一,有很多天下出名的大学,其涵盖的课程数目和范围也十分惊人。年代在提高社会在提高,现如今越来越多的人选择走出国门到别的国度留学、访学,为了在留学市场占据一席之地,天下各都城在团结本身国情接纳不同办法提高本国的留学教导。但是外部情况对我们并非友好,特别是外洋的媒体,面临这些负面的言论,中国岂非不恐惧留学生被影响到吗?

美版知乎Quora有美国网友也是倡导了如此一个话题:为什么中国当局赞同每年有30万乃至更多的中国年轻人去美国留学?岂非他们不担心中国年轻人会承受东方代价观而美国化吗? 这个话题惹起了不少外洋网友的热议。让我们来看看他们的看法吧。



Even after living in U.S for 10 years, I believe I should live in certain areas. I know the cons and pros of both China and U.S. But 10 years ago, when I first arrived at JFK, I was surprised at the third world infrastructure.


What about those who come to U.S nowadays, the advantages of infrastructure from the view of this young generation of Chinese will be even greater. I don’t think they will give a shit to the western value. Especially, you can only hear blames from all the media and according to those fake stories.


Think about this, if you are living in China and you hear the Chinese media is saying that U.S government let weeds to be legal for killing poor people. How do you feel about this? What a ridiculous lie! Xinjiang story is the same for Chinese.


The general trend is that Chinese students become more, not less nationalistic as a result of studying abroad.



There’s plenty of other articles on this recent trend if you care to look.


The core argument is that Chinese perceptions of the Western world are far more favorable than the reality of the Western world. It’s only once Chinese get to experience the West first hand that they realize what a crappy place it actually is.


The exact opposite is true for foreigners in China. The vast majority of them are pleasantly surprised by the reality of China. There’s dozens of YouTubers who make careers on this topic. And no surprise they’ve been targeted by Western media as “CCP paid shills”.


So to answer your question: no, the govt isn’t worried because it’s working in their favor, not against them. Sure, not all who study abroad return to China, but that’s a fair tradeoff for those who do. And the trend is towards more returnees, not fewer.



It’s kind of hard to “Americanize” people who can only stay in this country for a few years at the least.


Foreign students have a non-immigrant student visa that allows them to be in the US for 3–5 years; from there they have the option of applying for a H1B visa, which allows them to stay longer provided that they get a good-paying job at a good employer that doles out visas, and from there they can get a green card (permanent residency), and from there they can obtain US citizenship and become a full-fledged “American.”


Not exactly an easy process if you ask me.


Heck, my parents immigrated here over a generation ago, at a time when “accepting Western values” and “becoming Americanized” was really hip, and to this day they don’t consider themselves to be anywhere near 100% “Americanized.” I don’t know what it’s like to live for longer than a year in any other country but the US, but sometimes I wonder if I am sufficiently “Americanized” myself.


People like to talk about assimilation whenever they discuss immigrants, but assimilation can be hard; for some, you have to be born into it, or it is a lifelong process. A few years of America isn’t going to destroy visitors’ attachments to their home countries, especially if they don’t have it so bad over there.


One thing I noticed while I was around students from China in college is that they like to keep to themselves; they have their own study groups, clubs, social media, even economy. Not that they don’t interact with those outside of their circle, but I highly doubt they make more than 5–10 connections who are not Chinese citizens. I don’t think my non-Chinese classmates ever became friends with a Chinese student.


In my interactions with Chinese students, I’ve met a motley crew. I knew a grad student who named himself after a former US president and has resolved to settle here permanently. I knew a girl from a certain Cantonese-speaking city who spoke perfect Mandarin and acted as though she were from Beijing, but in fact was super anti-China and kept sharing pro-riot stuff on Instagram and blocked me after I posted something anti-riot on WeChat, killing whatever impression I had of her (and her city, but that’s another story).


Perhaps I was just running into all sorts of people, but what this illustrates to me is that humans are complex. Chinese students are not a monolith, and while there are some who do accept “Western values” and are inclined to “Americanize,” there are enough who don’t. Possibly enough for the Chinese government to think that they are not a problem.


Also, you have to consider what the host country thinks about Chinese students.


I don’t know, maybe the Chinese government is not worried about its own people studying in America and becoming Americans, because America doesn’t want them anyway? You wouldn’t embrace a country that doesn’t embrace you back.



When American students go overseas to study, does the US government worry that these students will betray American values? Of course not. American students are patriotic. American students like their life in America.


Similarly, Chinese students are patriotic and they like their life in China.


In fact, life in China is generally pretty good, even compared to America. Of course, most Americans wouldn’t know this. They’ve never been to China. They get all their China information from US media, which is highly anti-China.



This is an interesting question. If you believe China is an oppressive country where people have no freedom, you should see more refugees coming out of China. How can it allow 300 thousand youth to come to the US each year?


The west has a mentality of conflict, such as the theory of Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington. On the other hand, China has a mentality of cooperation, such as Xi’s vision of the Shared Future for Mankind. The west has the mentality of “my way or the high way.” China has the mentality of god way or bad way. The west has the mentality of loser and winner. China has the mentality of win-win cooperation.


So, if you have the Chinese mentality, Westernizing or Americanizing is not a problem for China. If it is good, let’s Westernizing or Americanizing. If it’s bad, let’s abandon it regardless it is western or Chinese.


Humans progress more by exchange and interaction between different civilizations than inventions within isolated civilizations. China is willing to learn from the west. Yet the west still eyes on the difference, exaggerates the difference, and demonizes China.


Human society is also a cultural ecology. Different cultures and civilizations have their own positions and coevolve. In the globalized world, The west is the environment for China and China is the environment for the west. The west tries to destroy other cultures and civilizations to make the world all “my way.” China embraces cultural ecology. Let’s you have your way and me have my way. A healthy cultural ecosystem is essential for human progress, as the ecosystem preserves many cultural resources, so humans don’t need to reinvent existing cultural wisdom to cope with emerging problems.


Why China develops faster than the west? Because China learns from the west while maintaining its own culture. Chinese culture and mentality are intrinsically not imperialism. Western culture and mentality are intrinsically imperialism. Modern western civilization is Christian civilization. The Christian religion is a monotheist religion, thinking it holds the only truth and will evangelize the world. Chinese religions, Confucian, Taoism, and Buddism, are not an evangelist. Chinese religions consider different religions as different ways to reach truth and good.


Question: Is China worried about Chinese youth be Americanized? On the contrary, what we observe is that America worries about the sinolizing of America. For example, on May 29, 2020, the US president proclaimed restricting Chinese students from coming to the US to study. They think of all Chinese students as spies.


The cultures of western civilizations are more like a closed system. On the other hand, the culture of China is an open system. That’s why ancient Athens civilization replaced ancient Egyptian civilization, ancient Roman civilization replaced ancient Athens civilization, and Christian civilization replaced the Roman empire. In contrast, ancient Chinese civilization prolongs into the modern age and towards the future.



Do you know how many people there are in China? If 90% of these students return to China, that’s 270k per year. Over a decade, that’s 2.7 million. Over 3 decades, that’s 8 million.


Let’s assume 30% of them embrace Western values. No, let’s make that 60%. Shoot, let’s say they ALL come back wearing maga hats, speaking only English, and eating TV dinners with forks. So you have 8 million westernized Chinese infiltrating your country over 30 years.


That would account for less than one half of one percent of the entire country. In order for any group to have real, lasting influence at the political, economic, and cultural level, it needs a critical mass of 2%. So in the impossible scenario that every single Chinese student who goes to study abroad comes back fully Americanized, you are still well short of the kind of disruptive impact that would threaten the rule of the CCP.


Given the enormous financial and scientifice benefits China reaps from the education these students receive, there is just no real downside for the Chinese government to change its current policy of encouraging study abroad.


But they don’t all come back Americanized. In fact, four-to-six years of education in the US is not enough to overcome the value system a person grows up with. For many people, something else happens - they tend to embrace even more strongly the values they grew up with after spending time abroad. My experience-based guess is that the vast majority of Chinese students who embrace American values stay in America, and even those students represent a minority of the Chinese who actually stay. At least 90% of those who return to China are just as if not more Chinese in their outlook than when they left China.


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