
最后更新 :2023-06-22 17:37:49


(美国国务院/D.A. Peterson摄)

美国有凌驾4500所取得承认的高等院校接待他国学生前来学习。假如你正在思索哀求留学,一定不要错过11月18日的在线高校展会(virtual college fair),并在展会上了解多所高校的情况。


你可以向 EducationUSA 的扣问职员、签证官员以及100多所大学的代表提出成绩并取得他们的具体回复。你登录之后可以发短信或举行视频谈天,还可以下载每所大学的假造展台所提供的资讯。你也能及时到场webinar,了解怎样选择学校、哀求开学、缴付学费及取得签证。

假如你具有一定的英语水平,请你如今就点击 http://goo.gl/eumgGv纪录到场展会,并在11月18日美东时间早上4点至中午4点(北京时间中午5点至越日早上5点)之间的任何时分登录发问。

Thinking about studying in the U.S.?

More than 4,500 accredited colleges and universities in the U.S. are welcoming students like you. If you’re thinking about applying, log in to a November 18 live, virtual college fair to get information on many of these schools.

Find out about specialized degree programs, what it’s like to study at a big urban school compared to a smaller school in a rural area, and which entrance exams are required where. Ask about how to get a visa or how current international students enjoy their schools.

You will have access to EducationUSA advisers, visa officials and representatives from more than 100 universities who will answer your specific questions. When you log on, you will be able to text or video chat and download resources provided by each college’s virtual booth. Live webinars will teach you how to choose a school, apply, pay tuition and get a visa.

Register for the fair now at http://goo.gl/eumgGvand then log on November 18 anytime between 4:00 a.m. EST (09:00 UTC) and 4:00 p.m. EST (21:00 UTC) to ask your questions.

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