
最后更新 :2023-05-22 01:51:49



It's late autumn of 2022, and the number of foreign friends who have consulted China's study visa has gradually increased recently. So what things must we know about China's study visa before handling it?


First of all, I would like to introduce which kind of visa should be selected for studying in China. When the applicant has the qualification to study in China, there are two kinds of Chinese study visas that can be selected.



1. X1 visa

This visa is valid once for students who plan to study in China for more than 6 months. Students with X1 visas must apply for a residence permit within 30 days after arriving in China.



2. X2 visa

This visa is applicable to students who plan to study in China for less than six months. The number of valid visas is once, and the specific residence time is subject to the number of days specified on the visa page. Students with X2 visas are not allowed to leave Chinese mainland for Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan or return home. Once you leave Chinese mainland, X2 visa is invalid.


So what are the specific conditions for applying for a study visa in China? The signing house has listed a more comprehensive content to all applicants in detail for your reference!

1. 申请人是中国国籍之外的其他国家公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国政府的法律、法规和学校的规章制度

1.The applicant is a citizen of a country other than Chinese nationality, holds a valid foreign passport, is in good health and has good conduct, and abides by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the school

2. 如果曾经是中国公民,现为国外移民,已经获得国外国籍身份,需要出具放弃中国国籍身份的有效证明

If you used to be a Chinese citizen, are now an immigrant, and have obtained foreign nationality status, you need to issue a valid certificate of renunciation of Chinese nationality status

3. HSK(汉语水平考试)六级,达到180分,需要具备5000中文单词词汇量

HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) CET-6, reaching 180 points, requires a vocabulary of 5000 Chinese words


Admission notices issued by domestic universities in China


The original and photocopy of the Application Form for Visa to China for Foreign Students (JW201 or JW202) issued by the relevant Chinese units (these two documents are not required for short-term study or further study and stay in China for no more than 6 months)

6. 申请攻读硕士学位研究生须具有学士学位;申请攻读博士学位研究生须具有硕士学位,学士学位获得者也可以申请直接攻读理工科博士学位

Postgraduates applying for a master's degree must have a bachelor's degree; Postgraduates applying for doctoral degrees must have a master's degree, and bachelor's degree winners can also apply for direct doctoral degrees in science and engineering


Next, the signing house will introduce to you what materials you need to prepare for studying in China, so that students who intend to apply for a visa to study in China will have a clear understanding!


Materials required for applying for a study visa in China:

1. 中国境内招收单位出具的录取通知书原件及复印件;

The original and photocopy of the admission notice issued by the recruiting unit in China;

2. 《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201或JW202表)原件及复印件。

Original and photocopy of Application Form for Visa for Overseas Students (JW201 or JW202).

X2字签证不需要提交《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201或JW202表)原件及复印件)(Please note that X2 visa does not need to submit the original and photocopy of the Application Form for Visa to China for Foreign Students (JW201 or JW202))


The above is all the contents brought by the signing house today! If there are any questions about the study visa in China, you can contact the signing home team and professional copywriting teachers for one-on-one communication at any time! Copywriting teachers who have many years of working experience in the Consulate General will know everything!


At the same time, the signing house should also remind all applicants not to trust the rhetoric of some intermediaries, especially those who claim that the visa threshold for studying in China is not high, not limited to their own conditions, as long as they are foreigners! Everyone must be vigilant, so as not to waste money! Finally, the signing house wishes all applicants success in their studies and smooth approval!

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