
最后更新 :2023-04-11 09:10:43



Some even tattoo the cross on their skin.甚至有人以十字架的图案纹身。

Tattooing is not just the province of sailors. 纹身不只是水手们才感兴趣的事。

Distinctive tribal tattoos.一部落与他部落相区别的纹身

distinctive tribal tattoos.See Usage Note at distinct一部落与他部落相区别的纹身参见

Even the tattoo on his left arm is understated. 即便是左臂上的纹身,也是简单而朴素的。

The modern man who tattoos himself is a criminal or a degenerate. 一个纹身的现代人不是个罪犯就是个堕落的人。

Like the pool hall and the tattoo parlor, the motorcycle usually gets a Bad press如同台球房和纹身美容院,新闻舆论对摩托车也没有什么好话

Like the pool hall and the tattoo parlor,the motorcycle usually gets a bad press(R.Z.Sheppard)如同台球房和纹身美容院,新闻舆论对摩托车也没有什么好话(R.Z.谢泼德)

tattoo是什么意思:n. 纹身v. 刺青,刺花纹于

Tattooing is not just the province of sailors. 纹身不只是水手们才感兴趣的事。

Some even tattoo the cross on their skin.甚至有人以十字架的图案纹身。

Even the tattoo on his left arm is understated. 即便是左臂上的纹身,也是简单而朴素的。

In the old days, they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies.过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在身上进行彩绘、文身。

The modern man who tattoos himself is a criminal or a degenerate. 一个纹身的现代人不是个罪犯就是个堕落的人。


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