
最后更新 :2023-06-12 12:06:44




Almost one in four students at universities in the United Kingdom felt lonely “most” or “all of the time” and just 35% responding to a national survey reported getting “good” or “very good” value for money.

The results in the 2022 Student Academic Experience Survey show “encouraging signs of recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”, according to the authors of a report on this year’s findings, Jonathan Neves and Dr Alexis Brown.

But the so-called “bounce back” reveals how low student satisfaction fell during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of 10,142 students responded to the latest annual survey conducted by Advance HE – a sector-owned charity focusing on enhancing teaching and learning, governance and leadership and tackling inequalities – and the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI).

The results were unveiled at the HEPI 2022 annual conference held in London on Thursday 9 June.


乔纳森·内维斯(Jonathan Neves)和亚历克西斯·布朗(Alexis Brown)撰写的这份名为《2022年大学生学术体验观察》体现出了“新冠肺炎疫情大盛行后的积极规复信号”。但是所谓的“反弹”也展现了学生在新冠肺炎疫情大盛行巅峰期时期的满意度下降水平。

算计有10,142名学生到场这份由教导慈善机构Advance HE与英国高等教导政策研讨所(HEPI)展开举行的年度观察,观察后果于6月9日在伦敦举行的HEPI2022年会上公布。

Value for money


Overall, 35% of respondents reported “good” or “very good” value for money, compared with 27% last year when students were growing weary of COVID-19 restrictions and the switch to online learning.

A comparison between students from the different nations making up the United Kingdom showed Northern Ireland students giving their university experience the lowest value, with just 28% saying it was “good” or “very good value”, up only 1% on 2021.

Scottish students were the most satisfied, but they don’t pay tuition fees to study at Scottish universities; and even here only 48% thought they were getting value for money. That’s a figure that’s been steadily falling since 2019, when the figure was over 60%.

In England, 34% of students surveyed felt they were getting value for money, up from 24% last year. The comparative figure for students in Wales was 40%, compared to 29% in 2021.








Teaching quality

and cost of living


Major factors cited by students when asked whether they were getting value for money were tuition fees, teaching quality and the cost of living, the latter two both being of greater importance than reported in last year’s survey.

The cost of living was mentioned by 42% of disabled students, compared with 34% of students not declaring as disabled.

Overall, when asked which costs associated with studying most concerned students, over twice as many said the cost of living (52%) compared with the cost of tuition fees (23%).





One in four students is lonely


The 2022 survey asked questions about loneliness for the first time and found nearly one in four (23%) reported feeling lonely “all” or “most” of the time.

This compares with only 5% of the general population reporting that they felt lonely “often” or “always”, according to an Office for National Statistics, Coronavirus and Loneliness, Great Britain survey, conducted between 3 April to 3 May 2020, in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Student Academic Experience Survey report said the results showed that “university has been a lonely place for students in the last year, even as restrictions have lifted”.

Among its conclusions and recommendations, the report said the levels of loneliness recorded by students were significantly higher than in the general population, even during the depths of the COVID lockdowns last year, and pointed out that other studies had also shown that “adolescents were more likely to experience high rates of depression and most likely anxiety as a result of the pandemic-related isolation”.

The report urged the UK government to continue to invest in student mental health in future years after the Westminster government pledged £15 million (US$18.8 million) in strategic grant funding devoted to supporting student mental health in 2021-22.




比拟之下,依据英国国度统计局(Office for National Statistics)在2020年4月3日至5月3日新冠肺炎疫情大盛行时期举行的观察《冠状病毒和孤单》(Coronavirus and Loneliness, Great Britain)体现,仅有5%的平凡大众表现他们“常常”或“总是”感受孤单。




Alison Johns, chief executive of Advance HE, said she was pleased to see that, overall, perceptions of value are recovering, though it is clear from the detail of the report that some groups do not enjoy the same experience as their peers.

“The evidence of poor mental health remains a significant worry,” she said, urging the sector to share evidence of good practice in supporting students.

Advance HE首席实行官艾莉森·约翰斯(Alison Johns)表现,她很兴奋看到,总体上人们对学术体验代价的评价规复,只管从报告的细节中可以清晰地看出,一些群体并不像其他同龄人一样有相反的体验。


Nick Hillman, director of HEPI, told University World News that while he was not happy that just 35% of students responding to the survey think their experience was good value, the trend compared to last year is moving in the right direction and “the proportion of students saying they are getting good value has overtaken the proportion who are saying they are getting poor value”.

He said HEPI had been tracking mental ill-health among students and staff for many years and included the question on loneliness in this year’s survey because they were worried about the issue; but he pointed out that dropout rates fell during the COVID-19 crisis and that while students had faced challenges studying during the pandemic, the alternatives to higher education “were not as good as normal either”.

Hillman claimed the overall story from this year’s survey was “undoubtedly a positive one about recovery”, but he added: “It is a tough time to be a student, with cost of living rises, mental health challenges and worries about the future.”

英国高等教导政策研讨所主任尼克·希尔曼(Nick Hillman)在承受英国大学天下讯息网采访时指出,只管观察报告35%的满意度不尽善尽美,但学生们对英国高等教导学术体验方面的看法相较于客岁以前产生了积极变化,对学术体验有积极评价的学生数目以前赶凌驾了那些以为学术体验不佳的学生数目。




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