
最后更新 :2023-04-17 18:53:44


(廖雄 编写 二〇二三年三月三十一日完稿)


I.Fill in one word on each line,2 points each.(每空一词,每词1分,共100分)

(1)put _____搭起 (2)hand ____分发 (3)call sb. ____给某人打电话

(4)cheer ______振作起来 (5)give ______释放 (6)put _______推迟

(7)come up _________想出


Now we need ______ ______ ______ _______ a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.


Clean-up Day is only two weeks _______ ________.


We can't _______ ________ _________a plan.


________ we talk, I'll _______ _________ all our ideas.


Then we can decide _________ ideas are _________.


I'm __________ some _________ ________ work in an old people's home this summer.


What did they ask you ______ ______ ______ ________?


They told me stories about the past and how things ______ ______ _______.


That __________ interesting.


We should listen to them and ______ _______ _______.


we're all going _____ _____ old one day, too.


Students ______ Volunteer

(38-39)河滨高中的Mario Green和Mary Brown每周都会抽出几个小时来帮助他人。

Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School _____ _____ several hours each week to help others.


Mario loves animals and wants ______ ______an animal doctor.


I get such a strong feeling _____ _______________ when I see the animals get better and the look _______ ____________ on their owners' faces.


She could read ______ __________ ______ _______ ________ _______ four.


Last year, she decided ______ _______ ______ _______a volunteer after-school reading program.


She still works there _______ ______ ________ _______help kids learn to read.

(60-62) 在这里做志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。

________________ here is a dream _________ ________ for me.


I can do ______ I love to do and help others ______ ______ ______ ______.


Most people today are only _________ ________getting good jobs to ________ ________ lots of money.


_______ their free time, they think about what ______ do ________ ________.


However, ________ people think about what they can do _______ help others.


There are many people ________ are _______ lucky than us.


Volunteering our time to help these people is a good ______ ______ spend our free time.


We can make plans to ________ money for ________ people.


Some people even ________ __________ their jobs for a few months to a year to move to another place


I'd _______ to thank you ________ _________ money to Animal Helpers.


I'm sure you know that this group was _______ ______ ______ help disabled people _______ me.


You helped to make ______ _____________ for me to have Lucky.


Lucky _______ a big ____________ to my life.


What would it ________ ________ to be blind or deaf?


Most people would ________ think ________ this, but many people have these difficulties.


I can't use my arms or legs very ________.


So normal things like ____________ the telephone, ___________ and _________ doors, or __________ things are difficult __________ me.


Then one day last year, a friend _______ _______ helped me _______.


She also thought a dog might _______ me _______.


I love animals and I was _________ ________ the idea of _________ a dog.


I'll send you a photo _______ ________ if you like.


Thank you again _______ ___________ my life.Best ___________.


My problem is ________ I can't ______ ______ _______ my family.


Relations ____________ my parents have become difficult.


They fight _______ _______, and I really don't like it.


It's the only ___________________ __________ have.


I don't know ________ I should say ___________ to them about this.


When they argue, it's like a big, black cloud ____________ ________our home.


Also, my _______ brother is not very nice ________ me.


He always ____________to let me ________ my favorite TV show.


__________ he watches ____________ he wants ________ _______ at night.

II.There are 50 mistake3 in all,according to the Chinese correct them on the line.(共50个错误,根据中文每横线需要订正一个错误,各2分,共100分)


I don't think this is unfair. ____________


At home I always feel alone and nervous._______________


It's not easy be your age, and it's normal to have these feelings.____________


Why do you talk to these feelings with your family? _________ ___________


When your parents are having problems, you should offer for help. ________ __________


Maybe you could do more works around the house such that they have more time for proper communication.

____________ ____________

Why don't you sit down and talk with your brother? __________


You should explain that you don't mind he watch T'V all the time.____________ ____________


However, he should let you watching your favorite show._____________


I hope things will be better for you fast.____________


I found my sister look at my things yesterday.___________ _____________


Did she return them back to you?_______________


I'm still angry to her._____________


I guess you could tell her to speak sorry. ______________


Why do you forget about it so that you can be friend again? _______ ________


Although she's wrong, but it's no a big deal.__________

(23)没问题,希望一切顺利No question. Hope things work out.____________


I have to study too many so I don't get enough asleep.__________ __________


I have too many homework to do, so I don't have some free time to do things I like.________ ________


My parents don't permit me to go out with my friends._________ _________


I have too much after-school classes.___________


I got in a fight with my best friend.__________


Books and television are different. None of them should replace the other.___________


Both of these shirts aren't dry yet.___________


Neither Simon nor Gary do like they are told.__________


Both of my parents likes my boy classmate.____________


I am used to climb Dinghu mountains.____________


They told me stories about the past and what things used to be.____________


He is used to be a close friend of mine.____________


Did you used to sing when you took a shower?___________


How did you got such an idea?____________


Children should learn to do things for themselves._______


Volunteering here is a dream come truth for me._________


Computer technology makes it possible to many people to work at home.____________


I ate too much junk food at my friends birthday party.



I guess I look after my father.____________


He always volunteers to help people to need。____________


Your parents must be proud for you.____________

(46)我已经把钱用光了。I have ran out of my money.



So I can't buy any many old bikes.____________


I need to come up to some ways of get money or I have to stop._____________ ___________


So I fix up the bikes and then give them out to these kids.



假如你是李明,你们学校的English garden正在举行主题为付出即是收获的征文活动。请你结合自己平时的爱心行为和感受写一篇文章,文稿的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

提示:1. What do you like to do?

What do you often do go to give help ?

3. How do you feel about the things?




I am a student from number three middle school. My name is Li Ming._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- END -



