
最后更新 :2023-05-11 03:30:06


Joan Cornellà北京个展 现场

西班牙天才漫画家及插画家Joan Cornellà的首次北京个展马上进入了尾声,艺术看展在展览快要结束之际,专访了本次展览的策展人Christopher Pin McElroy,并推出了这次展览的独家视频,让我们更加全面立体的了解Joan和他的艺术。即使展览结束了,没有亲临展览现场的小伙伴,依然可以通过这次专访视频近距离的感受展览的精彩之处,不留遗憾!





M: (看展君)朱筱珏 Michelle

现就读于美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University), 艺术史及德语和德国研究双专业,2017年夏赴德国柏林自由大学交换,独自在欧洲背包旅行9个国家,对欧洲的艺术和当地文化有了更深入的了解。2019年春季将前往奥地利的维也纳大学进行为期半年的交换。

C:策展人Christopher PinMcElroy

来自西班牙巴伦西亚,是Factotum Productions创始人,公司致力于推广当代流行艺术和音乐。通过数百场展览和活动将众多流行艺术带入世界观众的视野。


看展君 X Christopher

M: Hi Mr. McElroy, so today it’s a pleasure to talk to youabout the exhibition of Joan Cornellà here in Beijing. So first, could youbriefly give us an introduction of the exhibition in general?

McElroy先生你好,今天很荣幸能够和你一起探讨Joan Cornellà在北京的个展。那么你可以先给我们大致介绍一下这次的展览吗?

C: Well, there’s a variety of different paintings and asculpture, and a variety of different sizes. There’re around five differentsizes. There is a representation of his most iconic images like “Free Hugs”,and the selfie culture, something he really investigates in. I think in manyways China might be attracted to it, because we live in a world of selfie, andthe use of mobile phones is so important. He touches on]so many issues likeracism, poverty, selfie, amputation, the relationship we have with signs also.He uses also people who are crippled, or have been amputated, and tries to makefun of it in some way which is a bit edgy. But I guess that’s just a bit aboutall his present and previous works.


M: Awesome. So what about Joan Cornellà as an artistthat intrigues you? What makes him special and apart from othercartoonists?

好的,非常赞!那你觉得Joan Cornellà作为艺术家最吸引你的是什么呢?是什么使他与其他漫画家不同?

C: Well, I think that’s why most of the people comehere. This contrast between the very deep, impactful, social meaning, thingsthat we are normally offended by, or generally we don’t speak about it openly,or even if we see it, it’s hidden from society. So he uses these images, whichare funny, and at the same time they are very meaningful. And this contrastbetween things that he laughs about, so it’s entertaining and it’s moving, andthought-provoking, and makes you think. And also he uses these bright colors. It’svery attractive aesthetically. It looks very well good, what he does. He usessuper small pieces of information, like a small wrinkle in the face, on themouth, and this can be so much meaning. I think people come here because theyhave fun. Many people have different ideas, about the meanings of the painter.It’s entertaining, and it’s thought-provoking. I think that’s the two coreideas behind it. And aesthetically it’s beautiful.


M: Could you explain some of the meanings behind some ofthe works here that you think are most representative of Cornellà’s work orthat are very significant to you as a curator?


C: I’ve said this many times. The meaning of hispainting is in the eye of the person who sees it. During all these two years ofhaving been working with him, I’ve had the chance to be close to people who aretrying to understand, or trying to convey a meaning, or have a meaning, and seethe meaning behind it. The things you hear are so different and varied. Sosometimes I tell this to Joan, I heard these people saying that, this is themeaning behind this painting, and this could also be it. He always says when hestarted to draw, he has an idea about, an initial idea, but the painting has atwist and ends up doing something totally different. So I guess there are manymeanings. I guess most of these ones, maybe the selfie, you know the “SelfieGun”, which is not here, I think there’s even violence in this situation of theselfie culture. And people, even that Joan, and his work is criticizing selfieculture, people come here, and do selfies with the painting. So it’s like theyare sabotaging the own meaning of the painting. The other day we were with thestaff here, and I think, we always ask ourselves, “Why Joan is so famous? Whatis attractive to Asian people. And one girl, she’s working, she says, yoursurrealisms are reality. For instance, this girl, I think it was quite someweeks ago, this girl was going to commit suicide from a building, she was goingto jump. Before she jumps, she made four selfies for herself. And she jumpedand she killed herself. And she posted those selfies on the social media.


M: The themes of some of his works are really dark, andthey touch upon a lot of social taboos, so while planning the exhibition inBeijing, have you encountered any difficulties? Is the choice of the works herelocation-specific?


C: I think one of the good things of his work, it’sneat, it doesn't have language, and it attracts. I mean, everybody can feel,any society, we’ve been to many places in Europe, or the United States, andeverybody understands this work, because it relates to us. Even games, gamesthat you do when you’re a kid. These games have been played by kids all aroundthe world. So I guess that’s one of the good things, that doesn't matter whereyou go... and to answer this question, location-specific, his work attractsdoesn't matter where it goes, it’s understood by any society around the world.I mean, of course we have to go through a long process of these artworks beingapproved. His work is, you could say, polemic, is edgy, is not like... I mean,there’re some of his works, they are quite brutal, we could say. That’s why wedon't allow under 16 to come in, because of these scenes of violence. Eventhere’s like a funny part to it, the scenes of violence, explicit sex, or manyother things. But to be said, we did encounter some kind of problems to passthrough many of the artworks we wanted to exhibit here. But on the overall,we’re quite happy because a lot got through. I think it’s a very goodrepresentation of his works.


M: So you know, Joan Cornellà, his style is very iconicwith the generic big smile and bright colors, so what do you think are theinfluences for his style as an artist?

你知道的,Joan Cornellà的风格就是那张典型的笑脸和明亮的颜色,你认为他的风格受到了哪些影响?

C: He always said, he said in an interview... Whatwas the name of this musician... Aphex Twin. Aphex Twin is an electronicmusician from the UK, and one of his core albums was this blank smile, like aJoker. The Joker has this smile that has no meaning. It’s like, it’sunsettling, it’s disquieting, you see it, and you don't feel comfortable withit. And his characters do this, they do horrible and terrible things, butstill, they have this smile, like a psychotic clown, like Aphex Twin has thiscover album [album cover]. It’s also said in the biography, the advertisementsin the United States from the 50s, I mean like... “Here is washing powder!”“Here we go!” Like a happy United States family from the United States, “Buyour products!” It’s like blank, only to sell you a product. There’s no realfeelings behind it. It’s just an ironic, sarcastic, in some way could be,frightening smile, because it’s empty and void of any feelings.

他曾在一次采访中说... 有个音乐家的名字是什么来着...对了Aphex Twin, Aphex Twin是一位来自英国的电子音乐家,经典专辑中有一个就是黑色幽默的笑脸,像小丑一样。小丑的笑没有任何含义,但在看的时候,会让你心绪不宁,感到不舒服。Joan作品中的角色亦是如此,做着令人害怕恐惧的事,却一直挂着那副笑脸,像一个患了精神病的小丑似的,和Aphex Twin的专辑封面也很像。传记中提到美国50年代的广告词,我指的是“洗衣粉在那儿”“我们过去看看”之类的,像是快乐美国人的快乐生活。“买我们的商品吧”也不过是一句空话,只是让你买他们的东西,此外没什么真情实感。从某种程度上来说,没任何含义又空洞的笑就是让人害怕,就是很讽刺。

C: I mean I am very happy. That’s because many peopleare coming of course. But I think the people like it. I think we try to createan experience. We're selling them, of course we are trying to sell merchandise,but many people come here, most of the people don't buy painting or don't buymerchandise. But they come here for an experience. Since they come into thedoor, we try to take them through some literal journey around, and people arehappy. I see the people smiling. When you go to a museum, people are like... Imyself, I go to museums...You go to museums, people are... Contemporary art isquite like... too difficult to understand. I think people don't feel veryrelated to it. But I think here it’s something that makes this a communion.When you get a laugh, or a smile, there’s a reaction to the artwork itself. SoI think in this sense, the turnout, in terms of numbers, is good. But I thinkthe experience they get out is more important.



works 1.

C: So maybe we can see this contrast in between whatdo you think it means, and what do I think it means.


M: I guess one of the comments he made in this specificwork is, obviously, drugs, and this guy, the white thing on his shoulder, mightlook like dandruff. The grandma-looking person, she puts something in her nose,and sucks on the thing on his shoulder, and she’s bleeding from her nose. Soit’s a reference to coke.


C: But does it makes sense? No? Because dandruff isnot really coke. But, I mean, does it makes sense that she’s bleeding from hernose, when, actually, what she’s sniffing is dandruff. But that’s where theabsurdity is at. You match it very well. An ordinary woman, and he has thispollen, this stain of dandruff, and this woman comes up, and makes... takes...even pays him for it, to make use of this pollen, we say, like hair dandruff.It’s absurd, because first of all, she’s an ordinary woman, normally they don'tdo this kind of things. It’s fake, it’s not the reality. It’s not thatsubstance, you know, it’s not drugs. And she bleeds, so it’s like a placebo orsomething, because it’s not really something. It’s absurd, it doesn't [makesense].


works 2.

M: I think this one is about this woman, she istrying to beg for money from this guy, but instead of... but she has two kids,and they are crying for help. And this guy, instead of giving her money, hetook a coin from her cup, and brought a condom from a vending machine, and gavethe condom to the woman. So she... I guess it’s like commenting on how... ifshe had fewer children, she wouldn't need to beg for help anymore.


C: Yea, absolutely. That’s the meaning. This woman she’s inthe situation of poverty, and this well-dressed, like in a tie, a businessmancomes up. And instead of helping her, giving her money, the solution is, ok,the problem is that you’re having too much sex, you’re having too many kids.That’s your problem

though. So I’m going to buy a condom, so next time you... That’sthe solution. Just don't have sex, and that’s it. That’s the meaning.


works 3.

M: Well I guess you can say this is kind of commenting onthe fact that every single image you think is something, but the next one, itchanges and reveals how it really is. I guess eventually, if you compare thelast image and the first image, they look drastically different.


C: It’s just a visual game. You see this painting, and itmakes you think. You know, like what is going to be the next surprise. This dogperson, and it's just a play. The surprise, the different twists it takes. Thedog and the person, at the end, you know, it’s a dog person. For me, what’ssurprising, is the breast, because, the dog has breast. Maybe the othermeanings are much clearer, but this one is more like... I think the meaning isthe visual twist, the visual game, the self-experience of what it looks at atthe end.


works 4.

M: So I think it’s this guy proposing to maybe hisgirlfriend, and then she was really excited after his proposal, and “she” hadan erection. And the guy is obviously just confused.


C: The guy was looking for a female. It seems because thislast phase of it was giving a ring of proposal and all. I fell in love, orwhatever. And surprise, surprise. There is a surprise of the sexuality ofthe... who he thought was a woman, but is a man at the end. But I thinkactually, one of the things that many people feel offended by these kinds ofthings, transvestite or transgender, came to this exhibition in Singapore, andsaid to Joan, she really, she felt super well about this. In some ways thishelped her naturalize her change of sexuality. So this is one of the thingsthat about his work, it’s that the ones who are offended are always whitepeople, male white people. Black people, transvestites, minorities never feeloffended by it. It’s about when they say it's “politically correct”, it’s justbecause they have this political correctness, and how it should be, and that’sit.


works 5.

M: This black guy is running for a marathon, probably. Andthis police-looking guyhe shot the guy who’s running, and he finished themarathon, probably, by himself, and he ended up winning the championship. And Iguess it might be commenting on, I guess, the police violence that’s beenhappening based on racism, because everyone who’s celebrating with the guy iswhite.


C: I guess it has been explicit about the (policebrutality), maybe the closest place would be the United States, where it’s sucha big thing. But actually, you know when this exhibition was in Los Angeles,one of the singers of upper Compton, you know the district of Compton, thereare these rappers, they are a part of Dr. Dre, he designed Beats. And this guy,this rapper that was growing up... I think Kendrick Lamar is from Compton... hecame, and he bought, not this one, but one that’s called “Gangsta Grandma”,which is the same kind of situation. And I think the painting speaks aboutthat, like the inequality between races, in a funny way. This policeman killinghim and taking out the credit out of him, because, unfortunately, for thewhites, colored people are always better at sports. It’s the only way to makethem feel right is by killing them I assume. Yea I think this one speaks aboutracism.

我想这幅画说的就是警察暴力。也许现在与警察暴力最相关的就是美国了,这是那里现在的社会热点。但是实际上,当我们在洛杉矶办展览的时候,一个康普顿上城的歌手,你知道康普顿区吧,那里有很多说唱歌手,设计了Beats耳机的Dr. Dre就是其中的一员。这个说唱歌手在康普顿长大... 我记得Kendrick Lamar也是康普顿人... 这个人来了,然后他买了一幅叫做“歹徒奶奶”的作品。那件作品描绘了一个相似的场景。我觉得这件作品用一种幽默的方式表达了种族间的不平党。这位警察杀了这个黑人,并从他身上抢走了功劳。因为不幸的是,对于白人来说有色人种总是更善于运动。这幅画中他们对待黑人的方式表现的就是他们的这种心态。是的,我认为这幅画讲的是种族主义。



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